Why I’m thanking social media this week…

Social media is the modern answer for communication, seen as a revelation by some and destructive by others. But for all its bad points, this week social media has opened my eyes to three videos/articles which have inspired me, made me think, made me laugh, and made me cry WITH laughter.

For all the bad in the world at the moment, I thought I’d share these with you to spread some positivity and happy thoughts for the weekend!

1. Emma Watson’s HeforShe speech

A predictable choice maybe… but how many 24 year olds, and female at that, can you name who have spoken at the United Nations? Better yet, how many celebrities/actors/people in the public eye use their status to achieve something worthwhile? Whilst I’m sure that is not her purpose, if any one can make gender equality look “cool”, it has got to be Emma Watson. (Albeit I wish it had been done many years earlier). A very powerful image to present to inspire young women of the future to speak out and act on things they believe to be wrong. A very thoughtful and inspirational speech which I hope installs a new definition of the term feminism and really helps to instigate some change.


I came across this on Facebook after someone’s mum had posted it onto her son’s profile. Going through a bit of an existential crisis myself at the moment and not knowing what I should or shouldn’t be doing after finishing my degree, I thought it would be a good read.



It tries to answer, or rather get the reader to answer, a serious question in a very light-hearted manner. I’m definitely going to be giving this a try later on to see if I have any epiphanies.

3. Something cute and hilarious which requires no thinking whatsoever. I’ve watched this countless times over the last few days. A two year old Irish girl telling her parents off for laughing at her singing. I think the fact that she is Irish just makes this a thousand times cuter!  My house mates and I have started shouting “You’re going to choke yourself noiiii!”  at each other in our best attempts at an Irish accent.


Jasmine x

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