Is there such thing as guilt-free shopping?

There’s always something we should be saving for: in my case, it’s sensible things such as a car, a down payment on a flat, and the exotic; the long list of destinations I want to travel to. And that’s to name a few. Instead, I tend to spend any spare money on a growing wish list of clothes, shoes, bags and other goodies because well…nothing feels as good as you do when you’re wearing new clothes. (There are definitely many things that feel much better, but for the purposes of this post!)

After working hard all summer and paying back the hundreds of pounds I spent on my Europe adventure, I finally found some spare pennies and couldn’t resist a treat…well, several.

Please excuse the dodgy photography, I am by no means a budding photographer or fashion blogger but just a very enthusiastic shopper!

When H&M launched their new season’s trends a few weeks ago, I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep away. I go through phases with H&M, sometimes I won’t buy anything for a few months and then all of a sudden I want to snap up everything on the shelves.

I’ve pre-ordered this jumpsuit, which is available in navy and grey. I’m eagerly anticipating its arrival next week!

H&M navy jumpsuit £29.99

H&M navy jumpsuit £29.99

Whilst I really initially liked this item, I’m beginning to doubt now if it will actually look any good on! I already have plans to wear it to an event in a few weeks, so I’m hoping that when it turns up I’ll be pleasantly surprised!

This next item I found on a website which I hadn’t heard of before, SheInside, based in the US. It has some really lovely items and the prices are very reasonable too, it’s just shipping which bumps it up a little.

I found this mint green coat which I absolutely adore and only came to £33 including postage as I got discount as it was my first purchase, a great incentive!

I’ve been needing a new coat for ages so this was great value and just what I’ve been looking for.


I’m going to be doing some more online hunting on SheInside in the next few weeks. There’s already a few things I’ve spotted, but I think bulk buying will be in order so I can get my money’s worth for postage.

Today I had a further splurge, taking a visit into New Look and eyeing up this amazing shopper style bag. I love the colour, I’m really into mustards, and shades of blue and green at the moment.


I always buy big bags because I like to chuck everything in there and then know that I have most things to hand wherever I go. It will definitely come in handy for lugging things to uni and back, although it’s almost too good for that!

My second New Look purchase was a ‘Teddy’ cardigan which is perfect for the autumn which is creeping up on us. I always end up having lots of jumpers and never any cardigans so I’ve started as I mean to go on this season, and it’s the first of many that I plan to stock up on!

New Look teddy cardigan, £24.99

New Look teddy cardigan, £24.99

I’m hoping this will also double up as outerwear in the next month or so when it’s still warm enough to get away with not wearing a coat.

I’m planning to put Polyvore to use and create some sets using this item, as I think it’s such a versatile item and I need to visualise some ideas of how to wear this out.

I also picked up these two notebooks from TK Maxx, after browsing a blogger’s photos on Instagram and seeing a gorgeous one she had bought there. (Blogger’s Instagram details: emilycocklin)

Bird photo 2 (13)

The notebook on the right doesn’t photograph well but it is a very pale grey and will be the new companion for my new bag, whilst the cute pink bird design notebook is perfect for note taking in lectures.

So that’s my first fashion post done! A bit rambly so I hope I haven’t bored you to death.

More soon!

Jasmine x

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